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Les Répliques Drôles

Episode 1:

(Peyton's mysterious phone call - to Brooke)

Peyton: I guess I miss all of it. Does any of that make any sense?

Brooke: Yeah, it makes all the sense in the world, Peyton. Four years ago, it all seemed so clear, didn't it? Conquer the world, save the world, live happily ever after.

Peyton: Are you happy, Brooke?

Brooke: Sometimes. Not always. Are you?

Peyton: No.

Brooke: Okay, then let me ask you something. What is gonna make you happy, Peyton? Is it how you look? Or the car you drive or the people you know? Is it money or celebrity or power or accomplishments? Because I have all those things and I don't think it's enough.

Peyton: Well then, what is?

Brooke: Love, I think. And that love can be for a boy or a girl or a place or a way of life or even for a family. But where you find it is up to you. So where are you gonna find that love, Peyton?

Peyton: I think I need to go home.

Brooke: Yeah. I was hoping you'd say that.


Episode 2:

(Brookie sort en trombe de sa chambre, elle était censée aller chercher Jamie...)

Brooke: Jamie, have you seen my shoes? Because I'm supposed to go and pick up... (elle s'apperçoit que Jamie est déja la!) Jamie! What are you doing here?

Jamie: Mommy brought me over, she said not to wake you.

Brooke: Right... You ever had a wine hangover?

Jamie: I have a floppy eared bunny named Chester.


Episode 5:

Un gars: Hey, Sawyer, you got a call on line 1.

Peyton: Okay. [Elle décroche] This is Peyton.

Lucas: Hey. It's me.

Peyton: I've been trying to call you all morning. I watched the game highlights online.
I wish I could have been there.

Lucas: Yeah, me too. So, uh, what are you wearing?

Peyton: Luke, I-I can't do that right now. I'm at work.

Lucas: Well, I'm thinking a pink floyd tee over the long-sleeve white shirt and maybe those sexy jeans with the hole in the knee?

Peyton: Wow. You are good!

Lucas: Yes, I am... [Luke débarque] really good.

Peyton: Luke! [Elle lui saute dessus] Hi! I can't believe you're here!

Lucas: Yeah, well, since you couldn't come see me... [Bisous Bisous]

Peyton: Hi

Lucas: Hi. [Lucas regarde autour de lui] So, uh, this is marketing and distribution? [Ils rigolent]


Episode 8:

Brooke: That's the things! It's not what he says, it's the way he says it. He, honestly, acts like he's above me, which is ridiculous! He's a bartender! He mixes drinks for a living!

Jamie: Like chocolate milk?

Brooke: Not exactly...

Jamie: Are you gonna kill furry woodland creatures?

Brooke: I most certainly am not gonna kill furry woodland creatures.

Jamie: Promise?

Brooke: Pinky swear ya! And where was I? Oh! He should be so lucky! I am Brooke Davis!

Jamie: Brooke Penelope Davis.

Brooke: Exactly! Besides, what has he even said to make me think he's worth my time?

Jamie: What's underneath all the clothes, Brooke Davis?

Brooke: How old are you again?

(Jamie montre quatre doigts)

Brooke: Alright. One more scoop for the boy genius but don't tell your mom. Come on.


Episode 9:

Lindsey :
" I`m Peyton , Fake blond Peyton , I don`t have Boyfriend , 'Cause i`m a Bitch. "

Peyton : Her name's Lindsey, man faced Lindsey and her fiance proposed to me first. , with the very same ring !


Episode 11:

Peyton: If it gets AWKWARD, just say the word okay?

Plus tard dans la voiture.

Brooke: Awkward.

Owen: What?

Brooke: Nothing.

Owen: Ok, somebody want to tell me what's going on?

Chase: Hey bud. You remember that girl I used to tell you about, back when we first moved in together?

Owen: Yeah. The one you constantly talked about.

Chase: Not constantly, but yeah.

Owen: What? The fake virgin chick, you lost your virgnity to?

Brooke: (en chuchotant) Chick...

Chase: Yeah.

Owen: What about her?

Chase: Do you remember her name?

Owen: COME ON!


Episode 12:

Lucas: When I was a boy, my family took me on a trip. We didn't go to any exotic place. We didn't go anywhere glamorous. We just drove.

Jamie: Where did you go, Uncle Lucas?

Lucas: We drove the back road to Tree Hill, and we saw all kinds of wonderful things.

Jamie: Well, where were you going?

Lucas: Everywhere. Anywhere. But where we ended up really wasn't the point. It was the things we saw and the people we met along the way.

Jamie: Who was with you?

Lucas: It was just my Mom, my Uncle, and me.

Jamie: Where was your daddy?

Lucas: He wasn't there. But something happened that day -- something magical.

Jamie: What was it? What happened?

Lucas: My Uncle let me drive.

Jamie: Were you scared?

Lucas: No, I mean, the truth is, I'm not sure I ever felt safer. That day,in that car with my uncle and my mom... was one of the best days of my life. Just like today.


Episode 14:

Quentin: Ho, ho! There he is! I said it's J. Luke Scott the boy is hot.
Wherever he goes, homey, that's the spot.

Jamie: His name is "Q" he's better than you. If the spot is hot then, he's there, too.

Nathan: I'm the dad and I'm not so bad. I--
(Quentin & Jamie regardent Nate avec dégout.)


Episode 15:

Angie pleure, encore et encore...
Brooke: I'm the purple monkey, and I sure wish you'd stop crying.

Peyton: Hey, baby! Who wants a pacifier? Look! Ooh, who wants a bottle? You hungry? (Elle continue de pleurer) How about, uh, Brooke's boob? Huh?

Brooke: Hey. Hey. Look at the dancing animals. Aren't they funny? (Elle balance une peluche sur Peyton) Hey! Oh, my god, did you think that was funny? Look! Look! (Elle re-balance une peluche sur Peyton.) Hey! No. No, we like that, remember? It's funny. (Elle re-re-commence.)

Peyton: Brooke, really?


Episode 17:

Deb arrives at the club

DEB (to herself)
: Okay, look for the rose.

(We see someone who’s holding a red rose. Deb comes to see him.)

DEB : Nobookert?

(The guy turns around. It(s Skills)

SKILLS : Debutanteball?

DEB : Antwon. Oh, no.

SKILLS : Oh, yeah.

DEB : You said you were older.

SKILLS : Hey, you said you was younger.

DEB : Well, I...I showed you... things.

SKILLS : Yes, you did. Mm-Mm-Mmm.

DEB : Okay, this is really awkward. I mean, obviously, nothing can happen here, I mean, because it can't.

SKILLS : You right. Nothing can happen.

DEB : Nothing.

SKILLS : Absolutely nothing.

Ecrit par elodiebear 

Les Répliques Émouvantes

EP 506

Lucas: When a man asks you to marry him you say YES, you don't say NO and call him insecure.
Peyton: I never said no. I said that I loved you and that I did wanna marry you someday, and oh God, Luke.. I wanted you so bad but you gave up on us.
Lucas: I.. I gave up on us?
Peyton: YES
Lucas: By proposing, I gave up on us...
Peyton: No, by not waiting you gave up on us. And you know that's the truth.

EP 507

Let me ask you something. Do you have an alarm inside your head that goes off everytime I'm happy with someone else? What do you want from me?
I flied LA, I asked you to marry me, you said NO, so I moved on. Why haven't you?
Peyton: 'Cause I should have said YES. Luke, I was young and I was scared, and I did not realise that by saying I wasn't ready, it would mean that we'd never be together again. Had I known that, I would have said YES.
Lucas: Peyton...
Peyton: No Luke, I miss you everyday, and I have told everyone here that I didn't come back for you, but I did, OF COURSE I did. I still love you Lucas.
Lucas: Peyton, I...

Ils s'embrassent, Lucas la repousse avant de l'embrasser à nouveau...

EP 508

Peyton: I know. I didn't come here to rehash the past. I was reminded today in a roundabout way that the most perfect act of love is sacrifice. It's what Keith did for Karen; burying his feelings for her for all those years so he could be a good friend. (grabs his hand). I love you Lucas. (starts to tear up). And I think I have since the first moment we locked eyes and it is going to suck but if what you want is for me to let go then I'm gonna do it. Be happy Luke. I want that with all my heart. (kisses his hand and walks away).


Peyton: Je sais. Je ne suis pas venue ici pour refaire le passé. Je me rappelais aujourd'hui à la croisée des chemins que la plus belle preuve d'amour est le sacrifice. C'est ce que Keith a fait pour Karen, enterrer ses sentiments pour elle durant toutes ces années, et comme ça il pouvait être un bon ami. Je t'aime Lucas. Et je pense que je t'aime depuis que nos regards se sont croisés et ça va devenir nul mais si ce que tu veux pour moi est de lacher prise, alors je le ferais. Sois heureux Luke. Je te le souhaite avec tout mon coeur.



PEYTON : If you wanted to break my heart, there are a thousand ways you could do it. You did not have to propose to Lindsay to hurt me.

LUCAS : It didn't have anything to do with you. It's just weird timing.

PEYTON : Weird timing. Okay, Luke.

LUCAS : I know that it must seem like...

PEYTON : No, don't marry her, Luke!

LUCAS : Peyton, you can't...

PEYTON : Am I crazy? Do you not feel what I have felt every day that we've been apart for the last three years? Because I have felt there is this vital piece of me that's been missing. And I tried to fill it, Luke. I tried to fill it with work and friends and music, and it stayed empty until last night when you kissed me, and my entire universe snapped back into focus.
Lucas, look me in the eye and tell me that that kiss did not feel exactly the same as it felt three years ago.

(Peyton is crying)

LUCAS : I'm in love with her, Peyton.

EP 10:

While they were arguing, Jamie falls into the pool. Nathan and Haley run outside. Nathan jumps into the pool and gets him

NATHAN : Jamie.

HALEY : Jamie! Oh, god! Please! Jamie! He's breathing, right?

NATHAN : I don't know!

HALEY : Come here! Jamie! Jamie, open your eyes! Honey, wake up. Jamie, wake up.

(Jamie coughs)

HALEY : Okay.

NATHAN : I'm so sorry.

HALEY : No, you stay away from us! This marriage is over!

NATHAN : Haley!

HALEY : I w... I want a divorce.


EP 512:

The boy saw the comet... and suddenly his life had meaning. I'm sorry, Lucas. I can't marry you.



"It was more than just a comet because of what it brought to his life; direction, beauty, meaning.
There were many who couldn't understand and sometime she walked amoung them. But even
in his darkest hours he knew in his heart that someday it would return to him and his world
would be whole again. And his belief in God, and love and art would be reawakened in his heart."


I love you too Lucas, I do and I always will. But your heart is conflicted and I think I've always known it.
I guess I was hoping that someday I could be your comet. It's an epical story Luke. It's just not ours.

EP 517:

I hate You, I wish you never come back, you ruined my life.

EP 518:

Lucas: I don't hate you. I remember the first time I ever saw you; all skinny arms and tangled messy hair. It was hard letting you go Peyton. It was hard losing you and it was hard seeing you again. It's still really hard.
Peyton: I know. While I'm asleep I have this dream where we're back in that hotel room in LA and you propose to me; and every single time I say yes.
Lucas: It's just a dream right?
Peyton: It's my dream.


Brooke: Hey Luke. We've been through a lot, me and you. But I wouldn't have made it through today or a couple of other days without you. So thanks.
Lucas: You're welcome.
Brooke: This is for you. I love you Lucas Scott... you know that?
Lucas: I love you too Brooke Davis.


Lindsey: Hi, Luke. Just got your dedication and I guess I'm one of those lost souls because I lied to you. I said I was seeing someone and I wasn't. The truth is, I was afraid of the immensity of your love and I thought I just wanted you to know. You asked me if I missed you—of course, I miss you...

Ecrit par fanscott21 
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