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Script VO du Webisode N°8

VAMPIRE: You think you can kill me? Many have tried. None have lived

ASHLEY: Damn. Why the monologueing if you're so bad?

VAMPIRE: Didn't your mother warn you about me? I'm way beyond bad!

WILL: Magnus... Really?

HELEN: When you keep monsters in your house. We need to lock down the entire facility.

WILL: Good idea

HELEN: Oh for God's sake!

WILL: What now?

HELEN: Henry. Henry respond

HENRY: Uh, problems!

HELEN: I know, we're being over run. I need the security protocols for the entire facility operational immediately.

HENRY: Witches... Bad

DANU: Now, I believe you were about to let us go

HELEN: Go help Henry in the lab, make sure The Morrigan do not escape, or anyone else for that matter.

WILL: Wait, what about you?

HELEN: I don't like uninvited guests in my house.

WILL: How is that an answer?

HELEN: Go! Where the hell have you been?

BIGFOOT: We need weapons

HELEN: We need Ashley

ASHLEY: Seriously, a lawyer vampire? The cliché factor doesn't offend you?

VAMPIRE: Not if you're the first. Hadn't you noticed? I'm not like all the other guys you date. These pants were new.

ASHLEY: and ???

WILL: Good career move Will. Real good.


HENRY: This is so unfair

DANU: The more you resist, the more you will feel pain. Let us go

HENRY: I don't work for you

DANU: Then you'll die.

WILL: Danu, don't do this

DANU: We will not be prisoners again, to you or anyone

WILL: That's not what's going on here. We can help you.

DANU: You can't possibly promise us freedom. We are who we are

WILL: You are not evil! At least you weren't in the beginning

TATHA: We were created to destroy men

WILL: No. No, you were created to stop a war. Merlin changed you, he made you forget who you really are. Believe me, if he could transform a monk or a knight into something out of a late night horror movie, he can make you think you're something you're not. Since when do the bringers of death have a conscience?

CAIRD: That was before

WILL: No, no. Before is who you really are! Look, please, believe me

HENRY: Lockdown!

WILL: Henry, Henry, you gotta unlock it. Henry unlock it now!

HELEN: Henry, status!

HENRY: The cells are secure but the upper levels and the lab are still vulnerable and the new guy wants to let the witches out.

WILL: I just wanted to talk to them. Magnus I was getting through to them

HENRY: Oh please! They were playing you

WILL: Are you even qualified to talk about this?

HELEN: Be quiet and listen! We are about to be overrun. Forget about the rest of the facility, protect the labs at all costs. And find Ashley!

WILL: Oh OK. How do I do that? Magnus? How do you usually contact Ashley? Is there some kind of Bat Signal or something

HENRY: Of course not, she's usually just

ASHLEY: Will, Henry


ASHLEY: I'm in the building

WILL: OK great. So you're aware that we're up to our necks in crypt people right?

ASHLEY: Working on it. Noooooooo!

WILL: Ashley? Magnus? Hello?

HENRY: OK, so it's just the two of us?

WILL: Yeah

HENRY: We're so screwed



Source: Wikia

Ecrit par albi2302 
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